Postdoctoral Associate Position in Molecular Virology in Meng lab

Postdoctoral Associate Position in Molecular Virology

The Meng lab at Virginia Tech [] is seeking a postdoctoral associate in molecular virology. The candidate is expected to work independently to delineate how and why hepatitis E virus infects across species barriers and jumps species from animals to humans. The candidate will work on developing liver or intestinal organoid cultures including iPSC-based organoids to delineate the cell tropism and replication of hepatitis E virus and its mutants, and to determine the biological functions of unique mutations within the viral genome using hepatitis E virus reverse genetics systems and human organoid culture systems.  The candidate, one of six new postdoctoral fellows within the newly NSF-funded COMPASS Center [], will have the opportunity to collaborate with other scientists within the Center to tackle complex cross-disciplinary problems in the prevention and control of emerging viruses with pandemic and epidemic potentials. A Ph.D. in virology, cell biology or related fields is required.


Interested candidates must submit an application via the Virginia Tech HR job site (Job no: 531177)

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